Five realistic tips for having a consistent, enjoyable self-care practice, so you can show yourself some love
Self care is so important! SO important.
It often gets overlooked when you're busy and feel like you don't have time for yourself. You are so busy taking care of others (or other things) that it feels like you don't have time to do anything for yourself.
And it can feel self indulgent when you feel like you are taking time for yourself but should be taking care of others or other things.
But here's the thing: Self Care is more than important. It's imperative to your wellbeing.
Because you are in charge of taking care of yourself because no one else can do that job.
Because you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you help others.
Because you can't fill other people's cups if you don't have anything to give.
So to help you start a self-care practice and/or to actually be consistent, I am sharing 5 of my favorite tips to get you going (and stay going):
1) Figure out what you love doing that makes you feel restored, rejuvenated, and joyful.
1A) Take 10 minutes today (right this second) and write down 10-20 things you LOVE to do.
It can be silly little things. Anything. I made my list:
sunsets, taking a bath, walking on the beach, sitting on my porch, drinking a cup of tea, taking a nap, putting on a face mask, treating myself to a really good dessert, getting my nails done, coloring, meditating, reading a book, hiking, swimming, calling a friend, listening to a podcast, sleep, exercise, watching tv, cooking...
1B) Now separate these into mini self care acts and big self care acts.
You likely don't intend on getting your nails done every day, but you certainly can take a break and have a cup of tea or coffee.
Alright, now you have your two lists: everyday acts of self care and monthly acts of self care
2) Baby steps. Just do a little at a time. Don't try to cram it all in.
In fact, I find it best to spread things out throughout the day, week and month, so it's not all at one time. Makes it more enjoyable 🙂
3) Now that you know what you want to do and are going to be realistic, schedule a time, every single day, that you do your one act of self care.
Then schedule a time at least once a week that you do a weekly act. Maybe you schedule a hike with a friend on Saturday or you make your Monday nap a routine. Whatever it is schedule it and stick to it! It's as important as brushing your teeth. Make it a habit.
(this is me FaceTiming with my niece & nephew while we watch Harry Potter "together")
4) While you're practicing that self care, be present.
This isn't easy, but you can do it. When you realize that you've drifted into never never land or are planning your to do list, just take a moment to bring yourself back to where you are.
For example, you love watching tv but it's become an automatic thing you do. You walk in the house and turn your tv on. Instead, try to make your tv watching more intentional. Don't watch tv, eat a snack, play on your phone, and try to chat with a friend all at the same time. Or if that really brings you joy, doing all 5 of those things at once, then do it and ENJOY it. That's the key. You must enjoy it. If you love bad reality tv, watch it and soak up every ridiculous moment.
5) Don't let self care turn into another stressor.
If you have something scheduled, say a bath, but you are too tired to even wash your face -- go to bed! That's self care too. Saying "no" is 100% self care.
Self care is meant to be enjoyed not to give you additional stress. So don't let it turn into something you "have to" or "should" do!
What are your favorite self care tips? I'd love to hear them!
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