5 Tips to help you stay sane over the holiday season

Stick to Your Routine
- Keep up with your daily workout routine
- Follow your regular morning routine (abbreviate if needed but don't skip)
- Eat meals at normal times
Enlist the Help of Others
- You don't have to do it all; delegate tasks to others
- Give family members and friends tasks like drying, stirring, washing, setting the table, etc.
- Ask people to bring things (food, drinks, decorations, etc.) for a party
Focus on the Things That Matter
- Good enough is just right
- Things do not have to be perfect
- The amount of presents isn't what matters
- It's not a big deal if you send out new years cards
- Focus on the family and friends and good company you get to spend extra time with this season
Schedule Time for You
- Do something that makes you happy every single day
- Schedule a time to workout or pamper yourself or do something that brings you joy
- You should give yourself at least 10 minutes per day!
- Schedule it into your calendar if needed!
Be Nice to Yourself
- It's never going to be perfect. Expect that things will go wrong and that's ok 🙂
- Skip the guilt
- Don't put too much on your plate. Your schedule shouldn't be completely full
- Find the joy in the season
- Traffic is going to be worse. Find a way to not be miserable in the unpleasant things. Example: Sing your favorite Christmas songs in the car. Listen to a book on tape or a podcast.
Sally @ Real Mom Nutrition
Really great reminders here, and I like your "good enough is just right" sentiment. There is such a pressure to have everything be, look, and taste perfect at the holidays (thanks a lot, Pinterest!) and it can zap the enjoyment right out of the holidays! I also like your reminder that you can shorten your routines instead of skipping them. I've been doing the 7 Minute Workout (twice, so it's the 14 Minute Workout!). It's not much but it's *something* and a good way to start the day.